Monday, March 28, 2011

Hardest thing to Say.....

The Hardest thing to say WITH a sincere Heart, are nevertheless:

"I'm Sorry...."
(look into the eyes, after you've done something silly and wrong, with regretfulness)

"I Love You..."
(look deep into the eyes, with a sincere Heart and make sure u Mean it)

"Thank You..."
(look up into the eyes, after being helped by someone)

(look straight into the eyes, when you both are leaving each other)

Let's combine them:

"I'm Sorry that I Love You...."

"I'm Sorry I've gotta go, Bye........."

"Thank you, I'm Sorry I Cant Love you.... "

"Goodbye, I Love You, I'm Sorry....... "

I Love You. I'm sorry. Thank you for Being here with me. I Dont wanna say Goodbye.........
Truly Deeply Madly from my Heart <3 

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